Friday, April 5, 2013

More Imperial Fist Photos

Things are coming along nicely with the Space Marines. As per my earlier post, I tried some weathering powders on the tanks. The powders were made by MIG, and they take some practice to use.

 Before I used the rust, I used some GW Bolt Gun Metal. This represents chipped paint.

 Another product I used was MIG acrylic paste. I mixed it with some dark browns and MIG Road Dust Powder to get a mud mix for the tracks.
 This mini came out great! I used the acrylic paste to make the magma in several layers. The rocks were made with layered cork pads from a craft store. I used orange inks to create an orange reflection on the shield and lower legs from the magma on the mini. Look close it's a pretty cool effect!

 The final ingredient is Tamiya Weathering Master, this is super useful for gun barrels and exhaust ports. This stuff is like applying eye liner (so I am told...) with a small sponge brush included.

If you need to highlight shade areas than pick up a micron paint pen. Get it in the smallest tip size you can. This one is .4 micron.

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